Production Technology Manager




- You will be responsible for introducing production equipment and setting up production processes for the launch of domestic and overseas battery factories (Power Base).
- Formulate production processes for battery products and create and execute production equipment introduction plans based on those processes
- Specifically, develop production processes and production equipment introduction plans, equipment specifications, and implement equipment introduction for battery containers, battery modules, EV chargers, etc.
- Consider automation concepts using industrial robots
- Consider factory layouts using CAD (2D or 3D)
- Collaborate with equipment manufacturers, partner companies, and manufacturing staff to carry out the above


Required skill

  • 5+ years of experience in formulating production processes for mass-produced products
  • 7+ years of knowledge and operation experience of factory automation equipment
  • 7+ years of knowledge and handling experience of machinery, mechanisms, and electricity related to production equipment
  • 7+ years of experience in improvement activities such as work improvement and tool improvement

Skills and abilities

  • Logical thinking ability
  • Planning ability and milestone management ability
  • Problem-solving ability (problem formation ability)
  • Interpersonal skills

welcome skills

  • Experience in equipment installation management
  • Experience in the battery industry is preferred
  • Knowledge and experience in Lean or Toyota Production System is preferred
  • Knowledge and experience in quality control is preferred

desired person

  • This recruitment is aimed at strengthening our production engineering staff in line with the expansion of our Okayama factory. In the future, we may build factories overseas, so we are considering hiring production engineering engineers who can work both domestically and overseas.
  • We are looking for people who can work as managers or assistant managers, people with experience in production technology at manufacturers (especially in factory automation and development of technology for using industrial robots).
800万円〜1,200万円 (経験、スキルに基づき個別判断)、リモートワーク手当あり
・1カ月間 所定労働時間:160時間
・フレックスタイム制(コアタイム 11:00 ~ 15:00、休憩60分)
・休暇:有給休暇 初年度12日(入社時5日付与、6か月経過後残7日付与 )
プロフィール写真 Krubally Ali
